WOWS 9: Send In The Clowns…The Two-State Solution Nonsense

Thane Rosenbaum - What Others Won't Say

by Laura Kessler

OPINION — From Neville Chamberlain to Barbra Streisand, Westerners have a tendency to project their own values onto others. This week, Thane Rosenbaum breaks down the two-state solution and explains why it’s irrational to reward terrorism with statehood.

With Senior Political & Cultural
Analyst Thane Rosenbaum

Thane’s Monologue:

With this election, the hostile takeover of the Democratic Party by its progressive wing will be complete. Israel’s war against Hamas, and the demand for a ceasefire, will leapfrog to the front of the Democratic agenda.

We know this because when Kamala Harris chose Tim Walz over Josh Shapiro to be her vice-presidential running mate, caving to the antisemitism of the hard left, she wanted it known that both Shapiro and Walz held similar views on the two-state solution.

Ah, yes, the two-state solution. Doesn’t just saying the slogan give you a warm feeling of smugness? You’re not alone. Lots of brainless, disingenuous people say it all the time.

Soon after Hamas butchered Israeli babies and gang-raped its teenagers on October 7, even Barbra Streisand invoked the two-state solution as a way to reward Arabs for killing Jews and to prove that she knows when it’s time to “Send in the Clowns.”

The two-state solution? Seriously? Time and again it has proven to be an illusion. Call it the two-state nonsense.

Let’s start with the obvious: Neither Palestinians nor their enablers in the West have any interest in any Arab state sitting beside a Jewish one. Have you not listened to the chant: “There is only one solution, intifada revolution!”?

For them, the only solution is to globalize the intifada. That means killing Jews no matter where they live. That means you, Barbra Streisand. You’re not safe in Beverly Hills. Singing the praises of terrorists will not win you friends among murderers.

Since 1947, Palestinians have rejected five offers of statehood. With each offer they rejected, the land size they would have received got smaller. But even with the last two, they would have received 97% of the territory they purportedly wanted for their state.

Instead of beginning the hard work of nation-building, they defaulted instead to what they do best—violence. Firing misguided rockets. Bombing pizza shops. Blowing themselves up. Beheading babies. Raping girls. Running over or knifing Israelis. Flying incendiary kites over Israel, rolling inflamed tires, or throwing rocks at Israel’s security fence.

A two-state solution with such statesmen? Polling shows that Hamas is immensely popular both in Gaza and the West Bank. Where is the Palestinian Mahatma Gandhi or Martin Luther King?

Palestinians already have Gaza, and operational control over the West Bank. No Jews presently live in Gaza, Ramallah, Jenin, or Nablus. But they don’t want those cities. They want Haifa, Jaffa, Tel Aviv, and Jerusalem.

Problem is: those cities already belong to another state—Israel. The remedy: bury Israelis in the Mediterranean Sea. Yes, that’s what “the river to the sea” means.

Are we not yet tired of imagining terrorists armed with AK-47s magically transformed into diplomats wearing Hugo Boss? You can’t kill Jews with a designer label.

Remember disgraced British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain’s “Peace for our time?” Well, that’s you.

When people tell you who they are and what they want to do, believe them. Just because you can’t imagine doing the same thing doesn’t make the danger they present any less real.

If you’re going to adopt a slogan, choose one that reflects the realities of the Middle East.

Thane Rosenbaum, for the Jewish TV Channel

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