WOWS 8: “Death to Death!” – Dearborn, Michigan

Thane Rosenbaum - What Others Won't Say

by Laura Kessler

OPINION — Thane Rosenbaum addresses the disturbing death threats coming from Dearborn, Michigan in the latest episode of What Others Won’t Say. 

With Senior Political & Cultural
Analyst Thane Rosenbaum

Thane’s Monologue:

Well, I am afraid it has started: The Arab Street is soon coming to Main Street, unless we make it very clear that America is not trading its democracy for a caliphate.

In Michigan, this past week, pro-Hamas demonstrators chanted, “Death to America!”  The congresswoman who represents that district refused to condemn her constituents. The Founding Fathers gave us the First Amendment so as to debate the issues of the day, not to issue death sentences. 

In Jihadist Dearborn, I can’t imagine a Christmas Tree or a Hanukkah Menorah ths coming December not being burned down.

There’s seemingly only one people on Earth for whom a point of departure in viewpoint demands not civilized disagreement, but demands for death.

Europeans have endured these spectacles for over 20 years now, attacks on democratic norms, a religion not of liberty but compliance.  America has been spared—until now.  Israel’s latest war with Hamas has unleashed the entire Islamist playbook.

It has always puzzled me: When Islamists and pro-Hamas, anti-Israel anti-Semites gather in public, burning flags, scuffling with police, shouting down speakers or shutting down public gatherings, is there anything, and I mean anything, they won’t pump their fists and scream death to?

We’ve long heard “Death to America” and “Death to Israel,” but there’s also been “Death to British novelists,” “Death to Dutch filmmakers,” “Death to Danish cartoonists!” “Death to French cartoonists!” (Islamists really despise cartoons), “Death to the Pope!”  The Pope?

Where does it stop?  “Death to Christianity!” “Death to Buddhism,” “Death to Passivism!” “Death to Hummus!”– if made by Israelis.  (By the way, I do think that Arabs make better hummus than Jews, but let’s leave that for another day.)

No other people engage in these deafening public death chants.  What if the people of Luxemburg shouted, “Death to France!”  Or Americans chanting, “Death to Canada.”  Even murderous countries don’t do this.  The Chinese screaming, “Death to Hong Kong!?”  North Koreans, “Death to South Korea!?”

 The bitter irony is that these mobs of shrieking Muslims, faces red with hatred, are purportedly gathered to protest a “genocide” in Gaza.  In case you’re still fuzzy on these facts, Israel is at war with Hamas after 1,200 of its citizens were murdered, beheaded and gang-raped, and over 200 taken hostage.  Many of those hostages, we are now discovering, are dead.  Israel’s retaliation has been, legally and morally, a just war.  

 Genocide, legally and morally, is not simply people dying in war.  Jews didn’t die in World War II.  They were murdered in the Holocaust.

 The Palestinian population has more than doubled since the “Occupation,” which means they are multiplying, not subtracting.  Civilians, especially the children, are collateral damage, and not victims of a genocide.

 Ironically, the same people chanting, “Stop Genocide!” are calling for the death of Jews and Americans.  They don’t have a problem with death.  They glorify death and zealously believe they are rewarded by martyrdom.  

Is Islam a religion, or a death cult?  It’s not an Islamophobic question, it’s an important one that decent, civilized people should ask: especially if you are Muslim.  So much blood is joyously being spilled. You’re telling me this is what Allah wishes for your people?

Thane Rosenbaum, for the Jewish TV Channel

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