This movie pilot tells the dramatic story about smuggling Jews into the fledging pre-state Israel, under British rule. Aliyah Bet is the name given to this undertaking. Don’t miss this introduction from the son of a renowned hero of the operation to secrete Jewish refugees onto the shores of their promised land, by breaching a British naval blockade.
The Bible clearly speaks about the Jewish people, the nation of Israel, as a special people to God (Deuteronomy 7:6, 14:2). We are interested to see how this message plays out with other nations in the world. As we follow the Trail’s progress, the impact of the Jewish people among the world’s nations as it exposes the hypocrisy that exists regarding the UN approach to Judaism.
Imagine how things looked before earth was created, and the Trail appeared? This video zooms from a ground-based view into a three-colour composite mosaic image of the Eagle Nebula (Messier 16), based on images obtained with the MPG/ESO 2.2-metre telescope, finishing on the new NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image of the Eagle Nebula’s Pillars of Creation.
As strong as our heritage is rooted in our past, everything Jews do is aimed at the present. Even the saddest day of the Hebrew calendar, Tisha Be’Av (the 9th of Av) marks a time of self-examination, not focusing past regrets or an urge of revenge, but recalling the nation at its lowest point, when our sins and behavior forced us into two thousand years of exile.
This day is known as the saddest time in Jewish history. Jews worldwide weep for the destruction of both temples and many other tragedies that befell the Jewish nation on this auspicious date. This video provides an educational overview into what this holiday represents.
On this day, we are to ask: So, did we get our act together? Unfortunately, the answer (still) seems to be “no”. Even so, by mourning destruction of the temple, the ultimate representation of Jewish unity with G-d and among ourselves, we raise this set of critical questions. A yearly barometer of where we are as a society and people.
It’s interesting that year after year this time also brings a wind of change, uprising and in some year’s havoc. This year we are in the midst of a social uprising unlike anything our generation remembers. Who would have thought tents would go up in Tel Aviv, and in many other cities around the country simply stating: Life has gotten too hard for the middle / working class. However, when you look at the individuals who make up this great colorful collage of democracy, one finds an interesting mix. There is an infinite number of groups with different interests that are on the Boulevard, talking to each other about a better Israel. If to quote from the Tikva “Od lo Avda Tikvatenu”, there is still hope.
Oshra Koren talks about this divide in society and how it seems to have been with us for much longer than we’d like to imagine.
Many automatically think that there is only one Islamic view of Judaism, which represents an often extremist society. This video provides an insight into how many non-radical Muslims look at the Jewish religion. When considering the recent Abraham Accord that strengthens relations between Arabs and Israel, this video can be an eye-opener.
The question of what is a Jew is posed to many passersby. Do you think you would have a ready reply? The response is quite remarkable in determining the vast array of different concepts about what makes anyone a Jew. If you enjoy a candid and flippant look at how people’s mins can work, don’t miss this one!
This is guaranteed to get you searching for answers, while being taken on a journey unlike any other before. Trail is an all-encompassing series that traces mankind’s footsteps from the dawn of creation, through to the mysterious period known as the end of days. Don’t miss this entertaining and educational series!
So, you think you know Yiddish and that is enough to communicate with every single Jew? The Jewish people have been around a long time, and so have the languages they have spoken. This entertaining video also provides an educational glimpse into the history of languages spoken by the Jewish people. Oh, and Yiddish is certainly among them!
Israel and Brazil’s relations are on the rise, but you may have no reason to know about that? If like me you were brought up on Brazils’ incredible soccer legends like Pele, it would be hard to see any viable connection between these two nations, other than those who love such sports. This is the story behind their extraordinary friendship!