Need a standout recipe? Watch our “Cooking like a Chef” show tonight!

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Many chefs keep notebooks in their kitchens, filled with recipe ideas, new ways to use an ingredient, and records of what did or did not work. But how often do ordinary food lovers get to peek inside? Many chefs jealously guard their secret recipes. After all, it is their trademark at risk, and competition can be surprisingly fierce. So when in doubt stay out of the kitchen and just enjoy the cuisine!

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Voice of the Jewish Community – JTVC is an online news magazine providing original and exclusive media content focused on strengthening bonds between the Jewish Diaspora and Israel.

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We bring the Jewish Diaspora and Israel closer together through showing each in a positive light, while countering the AIM Syndrome.  AIM is the unique blend of Antisemitism, Israel phobia, and Miseducation, which together threatens our society like nothing before. We counter AIM with a more powerful and favorable dialogue. JTVC shares original media content, including high calibre interviews and documentaries that focuses on our mission. 

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Jewish TV Channel