Jewish Art Helps Build Cultural Inclusion

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Jewish Art Helps Build Cultural Inclusion

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Expert Author Mark Etinger

The depth and history of Jewish artwork can easily compete with any other culture’s. There is a presence of Jewish art seemingly on every continent on the planet. This is of course because Judaism has such a wide reach and the spiritual stirring of Judaism is custom-built to be shared through artistic expression. In practically every discipline and subsection of art there is a Jewish imprint. A tour through the history of any and all art forms from impressionism to rap music, from sculpture to stand-up you will find at least a handful of vitally significant Jewish artists. The spreading of this culture has had a great effect on all art and on the general acceptance of Jewish culture throughout the planet.

Art is a great communicator for everybody. The Jewish people are hardly the first religious, racial or cultural group to utilize their sensitivity to art to further their cause. African-Americans did the same thing in the 50’s and 60’s. For the Jewish people Jewish art was a way to make their culture which for many seemed quite different seem not so far removed. The work of pioneering comedians on the Vaudeville circuit did a lot of the heavy lifting in sewing Judaism into the stitch-work that built the United States of America.

These days contemporary Jewish art is all over the place. A wide array of younger “pop” artists utilize both traditional elements of Judaism within their modern artistic modes. It is a great way to include a lot of different people, educating them about the specifics of Jewish culture and perhaps correcting for some untrue stereotypes in the process. It is a fantastic way to make everyone feel more at ease and understanding of the Jewish people and assures that the work has a greater impact than simply looking cool.

Contemporary Jewish art is always happening. It almost seems like an absurdly obvious thing to say. Anyone who has been to a gallery of note, turned on their television or listened to the radio has heard, seen and experienced a wide variety of Jewish art for themselves every time they have done these things. It is the magnificent nature of America that through these measures and this sort of work a people can become a significant part of the conversation. With the help of art Jewish people have been able to enter the worlds of business and politics. As in many cultural shifts art is used to grease the wheels and make everyone more comfortable with different cultures. Then things become a lot fairer for everyone.

The work of Jewish artists who make must-have pieces of contemporary Jewish art are currently available at very affordable prices. The theme of contemporary modern Jewish art [] mixed with old world traditions is quickly growing in popularity.

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