The Israeli government and media prevented anyone from knowing that the PLO had failed to ratify the Oslo Accords.
Hamas refusing to hand over list of hostages to be released in deal
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Palestinian rioters on Tuesday set off several explosive devices next to the Israeli security fence in the northern Gaza Strip, according to the IDF. A number of grenades were also thrown at the barrier.
The IDF said that he assisted in carrying out several recent shooting attacks in Judea and Samaria.
Israeli security forces arrested an Arab woman on Monday evening after she tried to stab a police officer in Jerusalem’s Old City, the Israel Police said in a statement.
Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah hosted Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror chiefs on Saturday in Beirut, according to Arab media reports.
“It is customary for the leaders of both parties to endorse all their incumbent co-partisans,” according to Mark Mellman, president and CEO of Democratic Majority for Israel. Bradley Martin (JNS)…