The Uman Chapter of United Hatzalah completed preparations on Tuesday for the expected thousands of pilgrims who come annually to the city for the Jewish High Holidays.
United Hatzalah completes preparations for Rosh Hashanah in Uman
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Although the Oslo Agreement faced considerable challenges and ultimately failed to achieve its intended goals, the PLO and Israel have refrained from canceling it.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday hosted in Jerusalem Irish Tánaiste and Foreign and Defense Minister Micheál Martin.
In desperate need of caffeine, but there is no coffee store around? No worries, Mokase, a smartphone case, can now turn your phone into a portable espresso machine, allowing you…
Boating in Croatia 7 Sailing days around the Croatian Islands on a fully-fledged cruise ship is a wonderful, unique experience.
A group of masked men used a pickup truck to break into a gun store in Houston, Texas, clearing the shop of at least 50 weapons and dropping more in…
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