In 1964, Vorst and his wife, Dobba, founded Chabad-Lubavitch of the Netherlands, hoping to rebuild the Jewish community.
HAPPY PURIM: Behind the mask
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There is no king without a people.
United Hatzalah completes preparations for Rosh Hashanah in Uman
by adminby adminThe Uman Chapter of United Hatzalah completed preparations on Tuesday for the expected thousands of pilgrims who come annually to the city for the Jewish High Holidays.
In divisive times, Jewish leaders mostly optimistic as High Holidays approach
by adminby adminA congressman, rabbis and Jewish nonprofit heads also shared some of their personal resolutions for the coming year.
The question of what is a Jew is posed to many passersby. Do you think you would have a ready reply? The response is quite remarkable in determining the vast …
On Monday night, a woman went into labor at her home in one of Jerusalem’s northern neighborhoods. Her husband quickly called emergency services for help. What happened next is a miracle!