“We have a voice here that we have to use so that we cannot be ignored,” Manhattan borough president Mark Levine told JNS. Mike Wagenheim (JNS) On weekends, Manhattan’s Central…
Israel considers opening the gates of hell to bring hostages home
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The International Court of Justice is expected to issue a temporary ruling in the coming weeks or months. Shimon Sherman (JNS) The genocide case brought by South Africa against Israel…
As one nation, we will overcome the darkness. We have chosen to unite immediately and fight together, shoulder to shoulder, for the present and the future of our shared home.…
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No brotherly love for Israel at this elite school
by adminby adminIf a school’s leadership cannot bring themselves to genuinely condemn terrorism without context, then they lack a basic requirement for their jobs. Moshe Phillips (JNS) The fact that Ivy League…
A three-man terror cell had infiltrated the Judea community of Adora; all three terrorists were killed by Israeli forces. (JNS) An Israel Defense Forces soldier was shot and moderately wounded…
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Oct. 7 put nail in coffin of two-state solution
by adminby admin“Over the years, there has been this flawed strategy that as long as our enemies were building power, but not using it, it was OK. That was ridiculous,” said Knesset…