Israel’s defense minister noted the “unique opportunity that has been created and called on remaining Hamas terrorists to cease fire and immediately release the hostages.” (JNS) Israeli Defense Minister Yoav…
Soldier rescues dog from Gaza
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JTVC Breaking NewsTerrorism
Washington’s Iran diplomacy addiction shouldn’t stop Israel
by adminby adminU.S. efforts to hamper the IDF’s efforts to defeat Hezbollah and its paymasters could doom the region to more years of Tehran-sponsored terrorism. Jonathan S. Tobin (JNS) The post-Oct. 7…
“To espouse a policy which would free the world of such a regime should be regarded as a moderate approach.” David Isaac (JNS) Ever since Tehran’s ballistic-missile bombardment of Israel on Oct.…
JTVC Breaking NewsTerrorism
Hezbollah drone killed four Israeli soldiers on Sunday
by adminby admin“We ask to refrain from spreading rumors and the names of injured individuals, and to respect the families,” the Israeli military said. (JNS) The Hezbollah terror organization killed four Israeli…
United Hatzalah said that its volunteers were “providing initial treatment to a large number of injured (over 20).” (JNS) At least 20 people were wounded, including five seriously, when a…
CommunityJTVC Breaking News
Media softens Hezbollah firing 320 rockets at Israel on holiest Jewish day
by adminby admin“This should tell you everything you need to know about our enemies,” the Israeli military said, of the terror group attacking on Yom Kippur. (JNS) The Hezbollah terrorist organization fired…