There has been an unexpected surge in the Jewish culture in medieval Europe.
Top 10 Jewish Monuments in Prague
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The Land of Israel is no stranger to experiencing extreme water shortages. In 1898, Theodor Herzl, founder of modern Zionism knew that the Kaiser’s recognition was crucial for international approval of his plan to resettle the Jews in the land of Israel.
All the Kaiser could muster was the observation: “The land needs water, very much water.”
The United Kingdom and the European Union agree to implement a ban on insuring Russian oil tankers, which will be phased in beginning in 6 months. This will effectively render the vast majority of…
Great news! Haven’t you heard? The international public protests were successful. Here’s proof that the world has a heart. The campaign to save Anne Frank’s tree, the one she saw from the window of her hideout, was a success. It reminds me of the hysteria of an idealistic anti-settler sentiment.