The nonprofit feeds 250,000 people annually with kosher and halal meals.
King Charles to visit Auschwitz for 80th anniversary of liberation
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It “is a stark reminder that brutal consequences of unchecked hatred and bigotry did not end with the Holocaust,” said Menachem Rosensaft of the World Jewish Congress. (JNS) The Conference…
AnewsCommunityDiaspora Channel
Ben Briscoe, former lord mayor of Dublin, dies at 89
by JTVC Staffby JTVC StaffJewish ex-mayor of Dublin dies.
There has been an unexpected surge in the Jewish culture in medieval Europe.
Future of the Jewish Diaspora debates global concerns from Jews worldwide about what fate holds in store for their destiny.
Israel’s relations with Brazil is an upbeat video that pack a real shot, almost like the Brazilian soccer star Pele!