The decision came after secular protesters forcefully prevented Rosh Yehudi, an outreach group, from holding a gender-separate Yom Kippur service.
Soldier rescues dog from Gaza
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Manouchehr Bibiyan, Iranian entertainment producer and ‘proud Jew,’ dies at 90
by adminby adminHe helped keep Iranian culture alive in exile and kept exiled Iranians in love with their country.
Eleven facilities got the maximum amount, $150,000, under the Nonprofit Security Grant Program.
Members of the Knesset Land of Israel Caucus traveled to the Judean Desert on Thursday for a tour of an illegal Palestinian city that critics say seeks to cut off Gush Etzion from the Dead Sea.
The award, which recognizes foreigners for their contributions to Poland, was presented during a ceremony in New York.
Sarah Sassoon will celebrate in an Iraqi sukkah, with Czech candlesticks
by adminby adminThe Israeli writer, who comes from a prominent Iraqi family, is working on two new books about Jews of Babylonian ancestry.