Police found a swastika drawn on her door • Lyon Mayor Grégory Doucet condemnts “unspeakable” surge of violence. Menachem Wecker (JNS) A 30-year-old Jewish woman was stabbed twice in her…
Soldier rescues dog from Gaza
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Jew-hatred ‘somehow’ only theory Detroit police rule out in murder probe
by adminby admin“There hasn’t been a major media story on Samantha Woll’s murder in days,” Abe Greenwald wrote. “Nothing on the bloody killing of a young Jewish leader during a historic wave…
An eight-member panel will include Rabbi David Wolpe and novelist Dara Horn, the author of “People Love Dead Jews.” (JNS) America’s leading Ivy League educational institution has announced plans to push back…
“This is a cry for help,” one of the organizers told JNS. (JNS) Some 300 people gathered outside the Qatari embassy in London on Sunday, demanding the immediate and safe…
“The RJC was created for a moment like this—to ensure that America has Israel’s back to do whatever it takes to wipe Hamas off the face of the earth,” said…