The United Kingdom and the European Union agree to implement a ban on insuring Russian oil tankers, which will be phased in beginning in 6 months. This will effectively render the vast majority of oil tankers uninsurable as most institutions conducting insurance are located in Western Europe.
This move is regarded as a compromise between western nations that were dead logged in finding a mutually acceptable formula for hitting against Russian oil reserves without inflicting economic damage on their own interest. In effect, this means that Russian oil lines remain off the table as far as economic sanctions are concerned.
Glen Josselsohn is a leading South African Contemporary Artist, who’s unique style is a buzz with energy and movement which opens up the imagination, engages the senses and ignites a sense of curiosity within the viewer.
Glen’s Artwork has been recognised locally and internationally, He also exhibits his artwork in Galleries all over the World and participated in the Miami Basel 2013. Glen has painted for very exclusive Hotels, has been featured on many lifestyle television programs and has had numerous editorials written in exclusive lifestyle and home magazines, as for the content and the style of Glen’s art, it’s timeless and appeals to all.
Glen Josselsohn’s signature art offers the perfect solution to complement a modern and chic room’’ ”The way he paint is unique! His art is abuzz with energy, movement and color.
Jewish TV Channel caught up with him recently and gained a first hand impression of how he approaches his art work.
I enjoy stepping into a meditative state, a state of ‘non-thinking’. It helps me to relax. Whereas the big commissions are exciting and challenging, my favorite pieces to work on are those around the 2m x 1m, 1.5m x 1.5m dimensions. They are fun and engaging. My inspiration comes from my travels, visiting local and international galleries, taking photos and exploring and visiting wildlife reserves. I translate my experiences to canvas and paper. Painting with acrylics is my preferred medium as they dry quicker than oils. I like that I can also create texture and dimension as they can be applied thickly. I enjoy acrylic paint as I am able to able patterns and texture to it.
We are delighted to share his undoubted talent with our audience and look forward to hearing more about his artistic endeavors!
Under the 1947 United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine, which proposed the establishment of two states in British Mandatory Palestine – a Jewish state and an Arab state – Jerusalem was to be an international city, neither exclusively Arab nor Jewish for a period of ten years, at which point a referendum would be held by Jerusalem residents to determine which country to join. The Jewish leadership accepted the plan, including the internationalization of Jerusalem, but the Arabs rejected the proposal.
This state of affairs changed in 1967 as a result of the Six-Day War. Before the start of the war, Israel sent a message to King Hussein of Jordan, saying that Israel would not attack Jerusalem or the West Bank as long as the Jordanian front remained quiet. Urged by Egyptian pressure and based on deceptive intelligence reports, Jordan began shelling civilian locations in Israel, to which Israel responded on 6 June by opening the eastern front. The following day, 7 June 1967 (28 Iyar 5727), Israel captured the Old City of Jerusalem.
Later that day, Defense Minister Moshe Dayan declared what is often quoted during Jerusalem Day:
This morning, the Israel Defense Forces liberated Jerusalem. We have united Jerusalem, the divided capital of Israel. We have returned to the holiest of our holy places, never to part from it again. To our Arab neighbors we extend, also at this hour—and with added emphasis at this hour—our hand in peace. And to our Christian and Muslim fellow citizens, we solemnly promise full religious freedom and rights. We did not come to Jerusalem for the sake of other peoples’ holy places, and not to interfere with the adherents of other faiths, but in order to safeguard its entirety, and to live there together with others, in unity
On 12 May 1968, the government proclaimed a new holiday – Jerusalem Day – to be celebrated on the 28th of Iyar, the Hebrew date on which the divided city of Jerusalem became one. On 23 March 1998, the Knesset passed the Jerusalem Day Law, making the day a national holiday. One of the themes of Jerusalem Day, based on a verse from the Psalms, is “Built-up Jerusalem is like a city that was joined together” (Psalm 122:3)
Today Israel turns its attention to celebrating her eternal capital – Jerusalem of gold.
Jerusalem Day is an Israeli national holiday that commemorates both the reunification of Jerusalem and the establishment of Israeli control over the Old City after the Six-Day War of 1967, when Israel militarily occupied East Jerusalem and the West Bank (later annexing only the former). It is celebrated annually on 28 Iyar on the Hebrew calendar, and is marked officially throughout Israel with state ceremonies and memorial services. The Chief Rabbinate of Israel declared Jerusalem Day to be a minor religious holiday, as it marks the regaining for Jewish people of access to the Western Wall.
President Trump visited the holy site of the Western Wall nearly 5 years ago on May 22, 2019. Since the new American government has been in place, tensions have been steadily rising throughout the Middle East. Today, Sunday 29th May, has seen an early start of Arab protests that has broken out into violent clashes with Israel’s defense forces.
The Jewish celebrations come amidst several direct threats of consequential action against Israel. Forefront of such warning comes from Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip, scene of many missile attacks into southern Israel.
The situation could develop into a wider confrontation as Jewish celebrants visit the Temple Mount, where the Temple of Solomon stood before its destruction in 586 BCE. The mount is considered as a red line by many Arab nations who have used any pretext of Jewish presence on the site as an excuse to wage war against the Jewish state.
Seven people are killed by Russian shelling in downtown Kharkiv, according to local authorities.
During the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, Kharkiv was the site of heavy fighting between the Ukrainian and Russian forces. On 27 February, the governor of Kharkiv Oblast Oleh Synyehubov claimed that Russian troops were repelled from Kharkiv.
According to a 28 February 2022, report from Agroportal24h, the Kharkiv Tractor Plant (KhTZ), in the south east of the city, was destroyed and “engulfed in fire” by “massive shelling” from Russian forces. There is video purporting to record explosions and fire at the plant on 25 and 27 February 2022.
On 4 March 2022, Human Rights Watch reported that on the fourth day of the invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation, 28 February 2022, Federation forces used cluster munitions in the KhTZ district, the Moskovskyi district and Shevchenkivskyi district of the city. The rights group—which noted the “inherently indiscriminate nature of cluster munitions and their foreseeable effects on civilians”—based its assessment on interviews and an analysis of 40 videos and photographs.
The battle for the city has been described as one of the deadliest battles in the invasion, with a Ukrainian presidential advisor describing it as the “Stalingrad of the 21st century.”
German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach announces that Germany has ordered 40,000 doses of the smallpox vaccine as a precaution, after the country reported its first case of monkeypox.
Following the publication of the Jewish TV Channel article linking possible connections between Monkeypox and China, the virus has continued to cause increasing concern worldwide as the numbers of those infected steeply rises.
Israel is enjoying its 75th anniversary this year, how incredible is that, considering that a short while before the first Independence Day its very existence was in question? Meanwhile, Jews worldwide are also struggling to maintain their own identity while the tide of Anti-Semitism threatens their very existence. It’s like the story of Israel’s birth pangs is being adapted for G-d forbid a more morbid outcome for those living in the Jewish Diaspora.
Is it possible or even desirable to stem this relentless onslaught against our kin in foreign lands? I say desirable because the view from outside looking in at our lives in Israel is often clouded with misinformation and even blind hatred against the existence of an entity that runs counter to the idea that Jews can belong in a Diaspora. Accordingly, the question of it being possible to do something positive to help our brothers in distress is somewhat also dependent upon recipients being receptive to such assistance.
Meanwhile, sadly as usual, many Jews do a great job of turning against each other.
Despite the fact that reform, conservative, and other less orthodox streams of Judaism include those considered fully Jewish from the most fundamental of Jewish laws, the mere membership of an alternative branch of religious adherence marks them as an enemy by more orthodox followers. But, this is not a one-way tirade. Leaders of these same sects equally target the orthodox. I stress the leaders, as by its very definition, being a follower means having to follow a leadership. Where does that leave those in between whose feelings of animosity is often something that stems from an external source, in this case another branch of Judaism?
It’s often overlooked that these same followers are raised in an environment that encourages them to strongly feel the pangs of bitterness towards those raised in other Jewish ‘sects’ and so the righteous justification of their cause grows without restraint. Where has this led us?
This continuous hatred against other Jews has led to previously unheard of depths. Jewish settlers are demonized, based on their own faith and geographical location. Facts on the ground, like the thousands of innocent babies that also happen to be raised in Jewish settlements, the unrecorded good deeds that include Settlers enjoying friendly relations with local Arabs, and much more, get conveniently left out of the dialogue from those preaching another form of Judaism. On the other hand some in the right wing often regard the act of being right, almost as a religion of its own. That leads to demonizing Jews who belong to the same sects as those who demonize them. Therefore, is being a member of an alternative Jewish culture, in itself, part of the double-edged sword that tears our people apart from within?
The gay movement is perhaps one example of how membership of an entity can render the individual lives of its followers secondary to that of the movement. It has always been a known fact that adolescence involves experimentation, a journey of self-discovery, which shouldn’t be harnessed and sidelined to suit the goals of politically minded leaders. But this is precisely what happens. Each person has the right of choice, and that includes experimentation. It also includes their Jewish birthright that fully explored, can lead to another more conventional lifestyle. But these same followers are also trapped in a movement that can only thrive by holding their subjects to a concept that begs for not only universal acceptance, but like most ‘us and them’ environments, a need to undermine anything that is not part of their own homemade culture. Accordingly, orthodox Jews only see the external façade of these movements while simultaneously despising and demonizing its followers, regardless of individual lives. Conversely, those trapped in these movements are denied the chance to explore Jewish concepts about sexual issues. Next, what of really external issues that can effect all the above-mentioned movements, however remotely associated with Judaism.
The Holocaust taught as well. Jews of all persuasions, homosexuals, among others deemed as society outcasts, all shared the same tragic fate. And today, despite many fringe Jewish groups aligning their cause with declared enemies of Israel, they too are targeted by the same bedmates based on showing any form of Jewish identity in the first place. Then like any person with their back to the wall, they seek a way out through associating more with their prosecutors by going to new extremes of justification for their self-righteous beliefs. This is the foundation of the anti-Semitic verse anti-Zionist dialogue.
Israelis will blame Jews in the Diaspora for their predicament, many stating with righteous indignation that the State of Israel is actually the root cause of Anti-Semitism in the first place. Ouch! And so the schism grows.
Having identified a problem, it’s time to explore a solution. I for one firmly believe in the need for gathering together our people and strengthening the bonds between Jews in the Diaspora and Israel. One could rightfully say that there’s too much dividing us so why bother in the first place? Yes, there’s some truth in that, but it’s possible to attempt the nigh impossible through sidestepping political and even religious obstacle that many stubbornly use for self-justification, despite the ongoing damage caused. Hopefully, having got your attention so far, allow me to explain how this can be accomplished. Who likes a good party, come on I know I do? When we gather around the birthday child, or the folks enjoying a golden jubilee, etc., where’s the focus, it is naturally upon the object of the celebration! Most families have pet animosities towards someone else. In that regards, the sad events described above can also be placed in the same context as a family group coming together to honor someone else, and grudgingly placing family feuds aside for the duration of that event.
Let’s now return to Israel’s Diamond Jubilee. Whether we know it or not, Jews are also the Children of Israel. That’s right, Israel a.k.a. Jacob ben Issac, was later known as Israel, and his offspring were naturally called the Children of Israel. Even an extended family that includes converts, those with less than a fully recognized Jewish birth, and worthwhile friends, can all still subscribe to being part of this grand gathering.
Think about that for a moment. Israel is our great, great, and greatest granddaddy. Israel is the Jewish Homeland, and Israel is also a state, an entity, about to celebrate 75 years of existence, and still going strong! The Revival Project relates to festivities focused on this Diamond Jubilee, and less on the individual politics and other issues of participants who chose to celebrate it. We have a Revival Theme that aims to strengthen bonds between Jews in the Diaspora and Israel, through focusing on this miraculous event, nothing less than the revival of the Children of Israel. So, you party spoilers, nobody’s stopping you from joining in the festivities in your own sweet way. Pause for a moment about what it’s possible to achieve by gathering ourselves together? Many a deep family feud has been repaired through sharing a common event. There’s no reason to believe that allowing the spirit behind Israel to be our invisible guide and leader, miracles can happen, such as a new revival. Regardless of where each one is at, the Revival Project offers a fun and friendly way to discover the amazing essence of the Children of Israel. Jacob asked his children to gather together, as a prelude to entering a new dawn of hope.
We’re Getting It Together – that’s our slogan!
Ukrainian authorities say that about 200 dead bodies were found in the rubble of an apartment building in Mariupol, Donetsk Oblast.
A senior Russian diplomat has resigned in protest against the invasion of Ukraine.
Boris Bondarev has been a Russian diplomat who worked for the Russian permanent mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva in Switzerland from 2019 until his resignation in May 2022 in protest over the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Bondarev began working for the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2002. From 2019, he was one of the counsellors of the Russian Federation’s mission to the United Nations Office and other international organizations in Geneva.
On 23 May 2022, Bondarev announced that he had resigned from his position in protest over the Russian invasion of Ukraine, referring to the invasion as an “aggressive war”, saying that it was not only a crime against the Ukrainian people, but also “the most serious crime against the people of Russia, with a bold letter Z crossing out all hopes and prospects for a prosperous free society in our country”. Bondarev stated that he had several times expressed his concerns about the invasion with senior embassy staff but was told to keep his “mouth shut in order to avoid ramifications”. He also said that he did not expect other diplomats to follow, and that the goal of the organizers of the war was to “forever remain in power”.