Israel and Brazil’s relations are on the rise, but you may have no reason to know about that? If like me you were brought up on Brazils’ incredible soccer legends like Pele, it would be hard to see any viable connection between these two nations, other than those who love such sports. This is the story behind their extraordinary friendship!
The most acceptable definition of biological weapons is given by WHO which states that “biological weapons are microorganisms like virus, bacteria, fungi, or other toxins that are produced and released deliberately to cause disease and death in humans, animals or plants.”
Jewish TV Channel notes that the origin of such weapons are originally of an organic nature. it is the development of these toxins under supervised clinical trials and its subsequent release in a way meant to cause maximum human damage, which makes something of an innocent nature into a deadly biological weapon. In the first of this series, we examine the history of biological warfare. It is a disturbing trail that covers earlier mass pandemics, the recent slaughter of those who perished in concentration camps, and then more recent outbreaks including the Covid pandemic.
We raise the evidence of an academic paper that approaches the argument of whether Wuhan was part of a deliberate plot, from an angle suggesting that the Chinese Communist Party has yet to satisfactory answer long standing questions related to its bio-warfare policy. The paper presented to the scientific community was entitled ‘Genetics suggests that SARS-CoV-2 is man-made’ by Jorma Jormakka and John Fryer.
In writing this series, we point out that our sources are based on scientific papers that rely on fellow experts to appropriately decipher and distribute these findings to a lesser informed and qualified public. In trying to disseminate these scientific findings in a more watered down, palatable manner, it is pertinent to point out two essential facts. The first is to recognize our own intellectual limitations when dealing with a highly technical issue. Conversely, we uphold the public’s right to be kept informed about a subject that determines our health well being, without being blinded by the same scientific approach to keeping us informed.
Scientific evidence is generally only considered a starting point towards providing inconclusive proof about an idea formulating in the scientist’s mind. It starts with what is called a hypothesis. This is based on observations of a particular subject, and testing the findings of those observations to see if it holds up under a simple test. Once the experiment correlates the findings of the observation, a premises is then presented to support the original hypothesis. An example would be proving if the world is indeed round. The observer notes the existence on a horizon. Next, he or she might take a journey towards that horizon, only to discover a new one in the place where it was thought that the horizon ended, and so on. That observer is now entering the world of scientific discovery by proving that the horizon is part of the earth’s curvature, thereby forming a hypothesis that the world is round. What comes next will determine how much acceptance this hypothesis gets with others using scientific principles to reach a broad level of agreement. This is called a peer review, allowing others an opportunity to disprove the observer’s idea that the world is round. As this process gains momentum and a general consensus of opinion is formulated, once again based on a scientific approach, what started out a general idea now becomes accepted fact, or theory.
By understanding the over simplified explanation of what constitutes scientific ‘facts’ we can better appreciate how we can apply this understanding towards the highly technical language of what constitutes bio-warfare, as it relates to the subjects we discuss. We can bypass much of the technical arguments in favor of weighing up the opening arguments of the hypothesis, usually under the heading called the ‘abstract’, and once again at the conclusion of the paper. We can look at the qualifications of those who conducted a peer-review, or even the question of whether one was in fact done.
On a personal basis, I try to distance myself from popular attacks against the ethnic background of those providing such papers and subsequent reviews. For example, I was horrified to hear about innocent Chinese getting physically attacked in western cities based on an erroneous assumption that they were individually responsible for what may or may not have happened at Wuhan. However, I do not apply the same rationale when it comes to institutionalized acts of conduct. In carefully weighing up the arguments involved in the thorny subject of biowarfare weapons, by the very nature of their existence institutions can have a mindset that has historically led to horrific crimes against humanity. We include government led entities such as was found under Nazism, Communism, and other political regimes, sadly including western ones too. Accordingly, we raise these concerns with these thoughts in mind.
Abstract: The generally accepted theory is that SARS-CoV-2 has a natural origin as a recombination virus deriving from a bat CoV and probably from a pangolin CoV. The alternative theory that SARS-CoV-2 is a laboratory escape virus from gain-of-function research has mostly been discarded as an unfounded conspiracy theory. This article takes a look at few selected aspects of the genome of SARS-CoV-2 and the conclusions give some support to the laboratory escape theory.
The view that the SARS-CoV-2 virus has a natural origin in horseshoe bats become accepted very early in the beginning of 2020, mainly due to [1] and [2]. The alternative theory that the virus has escaped from gain-of-function research has not got much publicity, but a recent study [3], based on a survey of published articles and other sources, makes a good case for this possibility. This article takes a look at some features in the genomes of SARS-CoV-2, SARS-CoV-1, MERS, and RaTG13 that seem to support the claims in [3]. Drawing conclusions from the simple arguments in this article must be made with caution as humans have a tendency to assign an unnatural origin to everything that is not understood. Yet, the arguments in this article are very simple and something can be deduced from them. There is a need for certain re-evaluation of the natural origin theory of SARS-CoV-2.
Conclusions: The simple arguments in this article support the views expressed in [3] that the theory of natural origin for SARS-CoV-2 may not be correct and the alternative theory of the origin of this virus in an excaped virus from a gain-of-function project may be the more likely case. Gain-of-function research on viruses, i.e., creation of new viruses that can infect humans, has the natural military usage as a bioweapon and as bioweapon research is in many countries banned, it seems that gain-of-function research on viruses is presented as a form of dual use research. Dual use, i.e., something that can be applied in both military and civilian sectors has a natural and quite acceptable meaning in many areas of technology. For instance, civilian systems in information technology and communication networks have both civilian and military applications. Concerning gain-of-function research in viruses this concept of dual use is not so clear. It is in no way apparent that creation of new viruses that can infect humans and cause pandemics has some positive input to virus research for civilian purposes. Militaries naturally have to study and develop new weapons because the opponent does so, but a virus of the type of SARS-CoV-2 is not especially useful in military applications. A virus that immobilises soldiers on the opposing side and to which there is a vaccine would be much better. As a bioweapon a virus like SARS-CoV-2 would best fill the needs of terrorists, but as terrorist war is asymmetric, there is no need for the side opposing terrorists to create a terrorist bioweapon: it will not destroy terrorists, it will do exactly what terrorists want. Thus, there should not be any need for gain-of-function research on something like SARS-CoV-2. Yet, there has been gain-of-function research on viruses that are as dangerous as SARS-CoV-2, e.g. the bird flu. It does seem possible that there was gain-of-function research on bat coronaviruses and SARS-CoV-2 was created in that way, but accidentally it escaped.
A document written by Chinese scientists and health officials before the pandemic in 2015 states that SARS coronaviruses were a “new era of genetic weapons” that could be “artificially manipulated into an emerging human disease virus, then weaponized and unleashed, reported Weekend Australian.
The paper titled The Unnatural Origin of SARS and New Species of Man-Made Viruses as Genetic Bioweapons suggested that World War Three would be fought with biological weapons. The document revealed that Chinese military scientists were discussing the weaponization of SARS coronaviruses five years before the Covid-19 pandemic.
It is with the above sobering thought that we wrap up the first in our coming series about the Trail of Biowarfare.
Russia announces that it has withdrawn from Snake Island, in the Black Sea, as a “gesture of goodwill”, ending the occupation of the island that began in February. However, Ukraine says that it drove out Russian forces from the island after a massive artillery assault. However, another view exists that a window of opportunity to end the conflict is being offered.
The staunch western media coordinated response to Russia’s announcement to its ‘withdrawal initiative’ from Snake Island, indicates a new direction in the war’s course. A defiant reply to Russia at this vulnerable stage in the war’s progress sets a precedence for how the confrontation could be possibly wound down.
The actual gesture itself could have more meaning than the facts behind it being made. There is a developing trend that considers the uncompromising approach by Ukraine and its many allies to entertain any peace terms other than a full Russian withdrawal from Ukrainian territory as being unwise and counter productive.
The reality on the ground suggests that current Russian gains in the east of Ukraine will make any claim by Ukraine to only end the war on condition of full territorial restoration, a mute point. What are the true facts? NATO with American aid is expanding its troops on the ground in vulnerable places, based on a perceived exposure to wider Russian territorial ambitions. This military response takes place in a background of a possibly even greater vulnerability.
Historically, every leader of Russia is as secure as his political tenure allows. The western economic blockade has clearly led to destabilizing Russia’s financial interests. These sanctions were calculated to cause internal strife in Russia, thereby instigating an internal revolt against Putin’s leadership. However, with the strong Russian grasp on propaganda resulting in Putin having secured a large mandate to continue the war, this approach of undermining him seems unlikely to succeed. However, that doesn’t mean that the economic blockade is a failure. What it does suggest is that Putin is being personally backed into a tight corner with no apparent thought given as to how he can react to this external pressure.
The threat was made of Russia utilizing a nuclear response should the country’s existential stability be made vulnerable. Considering that the original rationale behind the invasion of Ukraine was allegedly instigated due to its desire for NATO membership, based on the fact of NATO being initially formed to counter a possible Russian invasion, the present turn of events could serve to not only justify Putin’s primary reason for attacking Ukraine, but also for issuing the threat of a nuclear response to any threat from NATO against the Russian homeland.
The current lineup of NATO and American troops against Russian armed forces is a risky gamble and dangerous enterprise. Putin did make a gesture, and it is puzzling to understand why it is being not only ridiculed but also forcibly rejected, with a heavy handed response from the western allies. While, it’s probably true that Snake Island was won by an Ukrainian military campaign, it does appear that rubbing Putin’s words in the dirt serves little purpose rather than to declare the the Russian leader has no way out of the quagmire. Conversely, Putins gesture could also suggest that far from him making a cynical gesture, he might actually be trying to suggest a way of deescalating tensions.
One could argue that Putin has already achieved a limited military objective in the eastern campaign. Ukraine appeals that they should continue to regain its territory, while understandable, is less practical at this late juncture. Where can the initiative for a cease fire originate from at this stage? It is all too clear that Ukraine and its allies have adopted a belligerent approach to the war’s continuation, despite the tide being changed in its fortune. The argument that Russia could regroup against the rest of Ukraine at a later stage is a reasonable assumption. This mindset can also apply to Ukraines’ threatened neighbors. However, that same equation works both ways. A cessation of hostilities gives room for all parties to the conflict to lick their wounds and prepare for a future return of hostilities.
Does Ukraine really have the upper hand in the east to justify a new counter-offensive as seen in previous months? The answer seems to be a resounding negative. It can bring in allies to restore its lost initiative, but it really doesn’t appear to be worth the risk at this point.
A gesture of peace was made by Putin. True he is backed in a corner, but he is a fighting man to be respected and also feared for his potential. It is also possible that has a modicum of common sense to see a way out that while admittedly preserving his leadership, also helps to bring us back from the brink of a deepening global crisis.
Cyber warfare is the bane of sci-fi movies and spy thrillers alike. Now in Israel, it has been taken to a whole new level. This latest report courtesy of the Israeli government provides an exciting glimpse into this war fought in the shadows.
In his first public speech, Gaby Portnoy, Director General of Israel National Cyber Directorate (INCD), presented the new INCD project aimed to diminish cyber-attacks: The Cyber-Dome – a new big-data, AI, overall approach to proactive defense. Portnoy presented in the annual Cyber Week event led by the INCD and Tel-Aviv University cyber research center.
INCD data presented at the conference revealed that 1,500 attacks were halted during the last year by INCD’s teams.
Relating to attackers, Portnoy said: “There is no longer only one-type of an official ideological enemy. On the one hand – Iran has become our dominant rival in cyber, together with, Hizballah and Hamas. We see them, we know how they work, and we are there. On the other hand, the spectrum also was stretched – to attackers, attack groups, proxies, independent crime-organizations, and private people”.
Portnoy presented the INCD’s new project: Cyber-Dome – an analogy to Israel’s Iron-Dome. “The Cyber-Dome will elevate national cyber-security by implementing new mechanisms in the national cyber perimeter, reducing the harm from cyber-attacks at scale. The Cyber-Dome will also provide tools and services to elevate the protection of the national assets as a whole. The Dome is a new big-data, AI, overall approach to proactive-defense. It will synchronize nation-level real-time detection, analysis, and mitigation of threats”.
Portnoy added: “We need to protect our national assets in the best possible way and make cybersecurity protocols we use for critical infrastructure available for more sectorial organizations – government and private”. Portnoy stressed that “You cannot fight cyber aggression alone. You have to have partners, at home, in your defense community, in the government, in the different sectors, in the academy, in the private sector, and around the world”.
Israel MoD Successfully Completes its First-Ever Series of Interception Tests Employing an Airborne, High-Power Laser System. The Directorate of Defense R&D in the Ministry of Defense (MoD), together with Elbit Systems and the IAF, has successfully intercepted several UAVs using an airborne High-Power Laser Weapon System (HPL-WS). The UAVs were intercepted at various ranges and flight altitudes.
Defense Minister, Benny Gantz: “I would like to congratulate the Directorate for Defense R&D, Elbit Systems and the IAF on the technological breakthrough they have achieved. Today you have brought us closer to yet another important milestone in the development of the multi-tier defense array of the State of Israel and it is significant both in terms of cost-effectiveness and defense capabilities. The laser system will add a new layer of protection at greater ranges and in facing a variety of threats – securing the State of Israel while saving the costs of interception. I am confident that Israel’s defense industry will succeed in this important development program, and I will personally work together with the entire defense establishment to ensure its success.”
The test series was conducted under the leadership of the Directorate of Defense R&D in the Israel Ministry of Defense. During this series, a High-Power Laser system was installed on an aircraft and was tested in a number of scenarios. It successfully intercepted and destroyed all of the UAVs that were launched throughout the test. The ability to intercept and destroy airborne threats in the air is groundbreaking and offers a strategic change in the air defense capabilities of the State of Israel. This game-changing series was conducted in a testing field in the center of Israel, in close cooperation with the IAF and the “Yanat” unit.
Israel is among the first countries in the world to achieve and demonstrate such capabilities employing an airborne, High-Power Laser system. This test series is the first phase in a multi-year program led by the Directorate of Defense R&D and Elbit Systems to develop a laser system against a variety of long-range threats.
This method of airborne interception has many advantages, including a low cost per interception, the ability to effectively intercept long-range threats at high altitudes regardless of weather conditions, and the ability to defend vast areas. The airborne, High-Power Laser System will complement Israel’s multi-tier missile defense array, which include the Iron Dome, David’s Sling and Arrow missile interceptor systems. This system will increase the effectiveness of air defense against existing and future threats in the region.
Head of Research and Development in the DDR&D, Brig. Gen. Yaniv Rotem: “The Directorate of Defense R&D in the Ministry of Defense, Elbit and the IAF have completed a series of tests employing a powerful, airborne laser system. We successfully intercepted several UAVs in the air, within a range of more than 1km. This is a groundbreaking technological achievement and it is critical for further development of our airborne High-Power Laser System.”
General Manager of Elbit Systems ISTAR, Oren Sabag: “We are proud to spearhead the development of this strategic capability together with the Ministry of Defense and the IAF. The trials were successful thanks to a range of unique technological assets. We believe that the use of a high-power laser to carry out low-cost airborne interception of rockets and hostile unmanned aircraft, closer to their launching areas and away from population centers, offers a significant change in Israel’s defense capabilities. ״
Article & Photo Credit: Israel Ministry of Defense June 23
Coupling finances.It’s a catchphrase that’s been described as perhaps the first “I do” for newlyweds, and it’s especially relevant as we head into wedding season.
Because as much as you may think no two people have ever been more in love than you are – hey, look at the size of that engagement ring! – the truth is that it could be less than smooth sailing ahead if you’re not on the same page when it comes to financial matters.”Couples have a very hard time talking about money,” Joan Atwood, a Hofstra University professor of marriage and family therapy bemoaned on an NPR “Money Coach” segment on the issue. “I would say it’s the last taboo.”Ready to break it? Read on.* Set common goals. You probably discussed this in a dreamy sort of way while dating. You know, a large house with a swimming pool … yearly vacations. But turning those reveries into reality requires habitually saving to pay for them and finance your later retirement years – not to mention deciding whether both partners contribute equally or based on salaries.”The median ages for brides and grooms are 29 and 31, respectively, these days,” said Andrew Peterson, a vice president at Fidelity Investments ( “So while people may come into a marriage with their own assets, they need to take some time after the wedding to sit down and start getting organized as a couple.”* Be transparent. There’s no law that says you have to put all your cash into a joint savings account – some couples do, some don’t – but at the very least you’d be “less than truthful” by not divulging any outstanding debts. And then figuring out, together, how to pay them down.* Safely store your information. Quick: What’s your new spouse’s Social Security number? And what other vital information don’t you know if a sudden need arises?Exactly.To truly mark your financial coupling, you might consider using an online service like that lets you store, access and share all your new family’s important records and documents anywhere via a web browser or iOS app.Not only is it free and simple to use with handy checklists, but even before it was officially introduced two years ago by Fidelity – Get it? “Fid Safe” – Barron’s magazine gave the service five stars for being what it called “the first cloud-based safe deposit box we’ve seen that’s secure enough to organize everything from financial statements, insurance policies, and real estate records to a will, IRA benefits, and even passwords.””With all the other things on their to-do lists, newlyweds typically don’t focus on all the important financial and other documents they need to begin married life on a solid footing,” said Peterson. “This makes things easier for them from the start, as well as through the years as they have even more joint documents to retain – including those related to perhaps buying a house and having children.”You get up to 5GB of storage, which leaves plenty of space left over once you download your new marriage license and the receipt for that engagement ring.* Investigate this option. Do you both get health insurance through your employer? Congrats. You may have just saved yourselves some money if it works out it’s less expensive for one of you to be on the other’s plan rather than pay for both.
![]() Social networking sites, professional personal ad writers and dating coaches can all help you meet someone special. But people need to know what to do when they finally get that first date. A new Web site,, is doing just that. With over 500,000 visitors a month, Dating to Relating is quickly becoming the standard in Internet dating advice. While other Web sites, such as David DeAngleo’s and Neil Strauss’s and have seen their traffic decline over the past year, Dating to Relating has only seen its traffic increase, according to Web traffic statistics. “They [love gurus] only tell you how to meet and attract women,” writes the anonymous Mr. L Rx on the popular Web site. “They don’t tell you how to relate [to] and keep them.” Of course, Mr. L Rx makes sure to advise men on both how to meet women, and how to create and maintain relationships in his new book, “Dating to Relating -; From A to Z,” which is available in both print and Kindle editions at For men with first-date jitters here are some tips from Mr. L. Rx and Dating to – Try to be interested instead of interesting. Being interesting leads to a lot of rejection and platonic friendships. Girls will be friends with a guy who is really interesting. But they want to date a guy who is interested in them. – Don’t put too much conversation attention on sex, sexual topics, sexual innuendos and her looks. Girls wouldn’t even be on the first date if they weren’t vaguely OK with the concept. What she really wants to know is: What else do you want? What else do you like about her? What else can you do for her? What else do you have in common with her? How else can you have fun together? – If you want to get a second date you have to create both sexual attraction and non-sexual attraction on that first date. Sexual attraction is created by such things as posture and attitude and other non-verbal motions and communications. Non-sexual attraction is created by listening to what the girl has to say, being truthful about who you are and finding and creating mutual interests that you can pursue together in the future. For additional information about how to meet, date and relate to women, try visiting |
Dating is never easy. Never mind first impressions and the getting-to-know-you awkwardness, the Internet has created a world where every foible, every flaw, every little thing (both literally and figuratively) is on display for the all the world, including potential dating partners, to see.
“Surviving any worst-case scenario comes down to not panicking, having a plan, and ultimately being prepared,” David Borgenicht, author of The Complete Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook: Dating & Sex, told the Chicago Tribune in an interview. “And this applies to the realm of dating.”
Dating has never been easy, but it only gets more difficult with age. Never mind the whole getting-to-now-you thing, the Internet has created a world where every foible, every flaw, every thing (literally and figuratively) is on display for the world to nitpick, including potential dating partners, to see.
“Surviving any worst-case scenario comes down to not panicking, having a plan and ultimately being prepared,” David Borgenicht, author of The Complete Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook: Dating & Sex, told the Chicago Tribune in an interview. “And this applies to the realm of dating.”
That is why you need to be prepared for any dating scene so you don’t find yourself wondering whether leaving by the bathroom window is actually an option.
The following tips will help you avoid the potential pitfalls of dating.
* You’re running late. It happens — traffic, work runs over, mistiming on how long it takes to get ready — and all of a sudden you’ve kept your date waiting. In this case, take a few minutes to send a text message or a quick call and let them know you’ve run into a snag, but will be there as soon as possible. Better yet, giving them a timeframe. One caveat: try to keep it light. If you sound stressed about being late, they’ll be stressed about waiting.* You spill wine all over the table, on yourself, or on your date. At best, you and your date can laugh it off. And if you like one another, it’s an easy way to ask them out for a second one –to a dry cleaners, where you’ll foot the bill. At worst, if the sparks aren’t there, you have an easy out. * You’re a smokeless tobacco user. For smokeless tobacco users, the thought of taking a spit cup or bottle on a date is horrific, and of course, an absolute no-no. So, what to do? You might want to consider a portable spittoon made by FLASR, an Atlanta-based company that specializes in creating smokeless tobacco accessories.