The Revival Project is gaining momentum as we head towards the Revival Anniversary Year, Israel’s 75th Diamond Jubilee. Aimed at strengthening bonds between Jewish communities in the Diaspora and Israel, focusing on celebrating Israel’s special anniversary, the Revival Project is guaranteed to be the center of attraction during this momentous period.
The question of Messiah’s identity has plagued relations between Jews and Christians for over two thousand years.
In recent times there has been a growing tendency by many Christians to accept a more peaceful dialogue with Jews through an understanding that the actual Messiah’s arrival could bring in the dawn of a better age for mankind, regardless of his identity. In keeping with this harmonious initiative, observant Jews have shared biblical source information that underlines the Jewish approach to this often thorny issue. Its purpose is not to undermine Christian tradition that firmly stands by its own beliefs, but to show that Judaism does have its own biblical structure that Jews request should be respected for what it is.
This movie pilot tells the dramatic story about smuggling Jews into the fledging pre-state Israel, under British rule. Aliyah Bet is the name given to this undertaking. Don’t miss this introduction from the son of a renowned hero of the operation to secrete Jewish refugees onto the shores of their promised land, by breaching a British naval blockade.
Welcome to the heart of our exclusive programs. Get the latest round up and perspective of global events here on Jewish TV Channel. News and events are brought to you live from our resident JTVC correspondent. Be sure to visit JTVC regularly and stay in touch with the fastest growing Jewish news magazine on the Internet today!
The Bible clearly speaks about the Jewish people, the nation of Israel, as a special people to God (Deuteronomy 7:6, 14:2). We are interested to see how this message plays out with other nations in the world. As we follow the Trail’s progress, the impact of the Jewish people among the world’s nations as it exposes the hypocrisy that exists regarding the UN approach to Judaism.
For those who waited an extra hour, beyond the the announced time of the AG’s statement, the brief 5 minute delivery might have been considered disappointing. Ultimately, it all comes down to expectations. The hour prior to Garland’s statement was naturally full of speculation concerning the actual charges that would be made against the former president of the United States. Accordingly, when no mention was made of the composition of potential charges, the ball was firmly back in the DOJ court. But had it ever left it?
August 13, we learn that Trump is being investigated for a broad range of seemingly disconnected crimes. Each one is guaranteed to heighten emotional responses due to its severe Anti-American inference. Regardless of the days to come, the damage has already been done by tarnishing the former presidents’ standing in the United States, through the simple process of feeding the public imagination, which has been subject to too many years of gross manipulation by a hostile media.
What exactly happened when Garland issued his ‘statement’? ‘It took a few days of quiet observation to sink in, before the proverbial penny dropped. It should first be explained that the source of that proverb simply related to entry into a public convenience in the United Kingdom, whereby a penny had to be inserted to open the toilet door lock. And what was revealed behind that closed door of the Trump Gate saga, fully related to the type of content one would confront once the proverbial penny had dropped.
What a masterly performance we were treated to during that five minute delivery by the Attorney General of the United States. Who could doubt the integrity of the message, and in doing so, be associated with those that would knowingly undermine the sterling work of the FBI in upholding law and order? The deadpan face behind those fine words would have given credit to a Nobel prize winning actor, or a skilled poker player. But making those comparisons would also imply that we were treated to a masterly performance, a sleight of a magicians’ hand, rather than the emphasis being on the actual words themselves. What were we to make of that seemingly ambiguous statement?
Having established the ground rules that the FBI were above reproach, one could be forgiven for taking that part of the statement as a warning broad shot against any activity that would serve to undermine FBI areas of operation. That alone should make Trump supporters aware of a clear and concise threat concerning the consequences depending on how they would chose to react to the current status quo. And what exactly is that status quo, let’s consider what Trump is up against?
The January 6th investigations appears to be conducted along a linear line of approach. All the blame is firmly placed on Republican supporters. Any attempt to offer material that suggested false flag activists was shot down as being also part of the right wing conspiracy against the legitimate rule of the United States government. Again, no one who takes law and order seriously would even dare to argue against bringing to justice those that would harm this constitutional right. Accordingly, Garland’s statement could be taken as a veiled warning that their investigation’s parameters are the only ones that are of concern. Even to argue otherwise places one in danger of being treated as a member of the alleged suspects seeking to undermine American rule and order. In retrospect, much of the media included suggestions that the previous elections were fixed, as being so anti-American as to be considered part of an atrocious plot to overturn the American government. The sentiment was so strong that any potential evidence in support of a fraudulent election process would immediately warrant a relentless witch hunt against anyone reckless enough to make that allegation. Facts became almost irrelevant as judges simply dismissed them as lies. Makes one wonder about the circumstances that led to a lowly judge being given power to determine the actions of that FBI raid against Trump? However, there is a fine line between speculation and factual evidence, or is there?
Speculation might seem to something of little consequence, but one could argue against that suggestion. In an age when social media driven by the tech giants can pack a mighty punch, the power of suggestion by itself is enough to influence millions of untrained minds. So what are we facing since Garland made his brief statement? We can be assured that speculation is the currency that drives media platforms, politicians, and ultimately the decisions of voters themselves. The power of speculation has been manipulated by the greatest of film makers, whose job to steer an audience in a desired direction makes their art so special. Consider a dour actor saying to someone ‘I wouldn’t go in there if I were you.’ What sort of thoughts would play havoc in one’s mind? There’s a shark behind that door, severed bodies, an axe murderer – maybe all of that together! Speculation of itself does cause damage, because we are a species that knows how to think and imagine things. Lingering doubts are triggered just through the mere power of suggestion.
“I wouldn’t preempt what charges are being arraigned against former President Trump, if I were you?”
In summary, the damage is already done. The more we speculate, the more we can entertain doubts about the innocence of Donald Trump. We saw Hunter Biden taking off for a vacation, almost scot free from his own possible crimes, at the same time as AG Garland was causing speculation against Donald Trump. Could any aggrieved loyal Trump supporter take that lying down? The warning shots across the bows of millions of Americans has been fired. Their course is being gradually channeled into ever dwindling options. One can speculate about how winds of change might improve the direction we are all heading in. But as time progresses without firm answers as to charges against Trump, more and more supporters will succumb to doubts triggered merely through the motion of speculation itself. Being kept in the dark is an effective tactic used against all kinds of opposition. What you don’t know might just be part of someone’s agenda?
How to comprehend the enormous consequences of the sanctioned FBI raid on the Mar-a-Lago Florida home of the previous President Donald Trump? Should no meaningful timeline exist concerning the surroundings of this simple legal action, one could quietly disregard what took place in Florida. Looking at those events as an isolated incident might be convenient for anyone with a vested interest in reaping the gains of the raid, whilst minimizing the consequence regarding the sequence of events leading up to it. However, it does not guarantee blind abeyance, a submissive acceptance of what took place, and in particular the potential findings of the raid’s haul. But, was this side-consequence actually part of an intended result from the instigators of the raid, and surely that goes beyond the acting head of the Justice Department and FBI who authorized the action. Who and what is behind this calculated gamble to shut down a highly popular candidate for the next president of the United States of America?
Earlier Allegations Against Trump
First, let’s look at the timeline of events. The Special Counsel investigation was an investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections, links between associates of Donald Trump and Russian officials. The investigation was conducted by special prosecutor Robert Mueller from May 2017 to March 2019. It was also called the Russia investigation, the Mueller probe, and the Mueller investigation. Mueller investigation culminated with the Mueller report, which concluded that though the Trump campaign welcomed Russian interference and expected to benefit from it, there was no evidence to bring any conspiracy charges against Trump or his associates. The report did not reach a conclusion about possible obstruction of justice of Trump, citing a Justice Department guideline that prohibits the federal indictment of a sitting president. The investigation resulted in charges against 34 individuals and 3 companies, 8 guilty pleas, and a conviction at trial.
The investigation was officially concluded on March 22, 2019. The investigation “identified numerous links between the Russian government and the Trump campaign”, and determined that the Trump campaign “expected it would benefit electorally” from Russian hacking efforts. However, ultimately “the investigation did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.
The FBI became embroiled in an investigation with clear and concise political consequences. The timing of the investigation coincided with America’s top electoral campaign, which determines who precisely would run the country in the 2016 election.
Returning to the timeline factor, it would appear that the current American government is in the middle of a desperate struggle to maintain full control of both the Senate and Congress. The Democratic Party faces an uphill battle to regain the trust of its electorate for the coming mid-term primaries late 2022. The chaotic withdrawal of American forces from Afghanistan, an ambiguous approach to the Iranian threat, indecisive reactions to both China and Russia’s military ambitions – are just a few of its foreign policy perceived weaknesses. On the domestic front, street violence, border problems, financial issues – are among other factors that can negatively affect the primaries result. Some might argue that above the fore-mentioned issues, the growing public perception that President Biden is medically unfit for his august role looms high on the list of left wing concerns.
None of the above challenges facing the Democrats would be collectively such a threat if it weren’t for the prospect of facing a Republican presidential candidate with proven polling success. Donald Trump has been the subject of continuous politically inspired attempts to eliminate his presence from not just the political arena, but from the public eye where his influence marks a considerable difference on the political stage. Accordingly, it would be hard not to make any connection between legal attempts to undermine Trump back in the Presidential race of 2016, and that currently taking place now prior to the primaries of late 2022.
Conspiracy Of Planted Evidence
What damage could be caused? Aside from the general assumption that the FBI would not conduct such a raid unless it has an intention to follow it through with a conviction, the question arises as to what evidence it has in mind to bring him to justice? If the previous attempts by a justice department with political consequences at stake had proved a success in 2017, public acceptance of the FBI might have been beyond reproach. However, that was not the case, and sadly public perception of an entity that should be given full trust and support by all Americans, has been considerable weakened.
It is not beyond a shadow of doubt that elements of the FBI would not conveniently plant incriminating evidence against Trump. Who is there to say otherwise? This brings us to the thorny question of how to deal with Trump’s most loyal supporters. Once more, to take this one step forward, we need to compare the government’s anticipated opposition to bringing Trump down, with events on our timeline.
Undermining Trump’s Supporter Base
Simultaneously with attempts to bring down the one person that could successfully challenge President Biden, it would be of obvious importance to also undermine his most loyal and vocal supporter base. The case against the alleged illegal attempt to take control of the House of Congress is very much alive. It has understandable non-partisan support from any law-abiding citizen that takes any undemocratic action to undermine the government as being a threat to one and all in America. From such a platform, it is a short hurdle to connect lawless followers of Trump, with the man himself. In reality, it seriously weakens any movement aimed at gaining meaningful support against the FBI raid on Donald Trump.
Whilst the public trial against his alleged lawless followers has an impact on the electorate is in full swing, it places non-participants of the House of Congress incident, willing to support Trump, in a difficult position. They too can be compared and labeled as rioters. Furthermore, Trump supporters associated with the FBI raid could be targeted themselves as being part of an illegal movement associated with a master criminal backed by hooligans.
Returning to the earlier question of possible intent to stir up vocal resistance to this latest attempt to delegitimize Trump, is it beyond the realms of logic that this is exactly what is hoped for? History is full of examples of popular leaders being taking out of the equation, together with their supporters. It is relatively easy to initiate martial law on the weakest of pretexts. In this case, the very timing of the FBI action raises considerable questions. Accordingly, following the next steps of Trump Gate fiasco could be quite revealing.
Imagine how things looked before earth was created, and the Trail appeared? This video zooms from a ground-based view into a three-colour composite mosaic image of the Eagle Nebula (Messier 16), based on images obtained with the MPG/ESO 2.2-metre telescope, finishing on the new NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image of the Eagle Nebula’s Pillars of Creation.
As strong as our heritage is rooted in our past, everything Jews do is aimed at the present. Even the saddest day of the Hebrew calendar, Tisha Be’Av (the 9th of Av) marks a time of self-examination, not focusing past regrets or an urge of revenge, but recalling the nation at its lowest point, when our sins and behavior forced us into two thousand years of exile.
This day is known as the saddest time in Jewish history. Jews worldwide weep for the destruction of both temples and many other tragedies that befell the Jewish nation on this auspicious date. This video provides an educational overview into what this holiday represents.
On this day, we are to ask: So, did we get our act together? Unfortunately, the answer (still) seems to be “no”. Even so, by mourning destruction of the temple, the ultimate representation of Jewish unity with G-d and among ourselves, we raise this set of critical questions. A yearly barometer of where we are as a society and people.
It’s interesting that year after year this time also brings a wind of change, uprising and in some year’s havoc. This year we are in the midst of a social uprising unlike anything our generation remembers. Who would have thought tents would go up in Tel Aviv, and in many other cities around the country simply stating: Life has gotten too hard for the middle / working class. However, when you look at the individuals who make up this great colorful collage of democracy, one finds an interesting mix. There is an infinite number of groups with different interests that are on the Boulevard, talking to each other about a better Israel. If to quote from the Tikva “Od lo Avda Tikvatenu”, there is still hope.
Oshra Koren talks about this divide in society and how it seems to have been with us for much longer than we’d like to imagine.