The latest AMCHA report compares the anti-Zionist activity of University of California faculty on all 10 UC campuses as individuals, members of departments, faculty organizations and grad student instructors post 10/7/23, compared to the same 23 week period the previous year.
The result was a staggering increase of over 1000% in the number of incidents (lectures, statements, rallies). Of particular concern was the establishment on all 10 UC campuses after 10/7 of Faculty for Justice in Palestine chapters, whose explicit goal is to provide support for their campus Students for Justice in Palestine chapters.
The results strongly suggest that UC faculty are major contributors to anti-Semitic activity on their campuses. Although the University of California has policies prohibiting faculty from using their academic positions and university resources to engage in political activism, campus administrators are simply not enforcing these regulations. Until this changes, university of California campuses are not safe for Jewish members.
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Click Here To Sign the Petition to UC Regents:
Protect Jewish Students from Anti-Zionist Faculty Abuse at the University of California