First, Do No Harm…
It begins with an ideology. And then a change of core values.
The Hippocratic Oath was blatantly violated by the physicians of Nazi Germany when they chose to treat the health of the nation rather than the health of the individual.
In his first appearance on Jewish TV Channel, Dr. Rubenfeld provides a critical look at how diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) policies are breeding antisemitism in medicine and medical schools.
He urges his colleagues to confront the medical ethics of the Holocaust and apply that knowledge to contemporary practice and research.
Dr. Sheldon Rubenfeld is the founder and executive director of the Center for Medicine after the Holocaust, or CMATH ( and has led multiple trips for medical professionals to European medical sites relevant to the Holocaust. He is Clinical Professor of General Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine where he taught Jewish Medical Ethics for 20 years until he was cancelled in 2023. In a fascinating interview, he discusses the concerning parallels between medicine today under diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) policies and medicine in the Third Reich, advancing the case that DEI policies breed antisemitism in medicine.
Listen to Dr. Sheldon Rubenfeld on Talking Point:
Dr. Sheldon Rubenfeld was in the private practice of thyroidology, endocrinology and internal medicine for 36 years. He is Clinical Professor of General Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine where he taught Jewish Medical Ethics and Reel Medicine: Bioethics at the Movies. He also taught Healing by Killing: Medicine during the Third Reich for 20 years until he was cancelled in 2023.
Dr. Rubenfeld is the founder and executive director of the Center for Medicine after the Holocaust, or CMATH ( and has led multiple trips for medical professionals to European medical sites relevant to the Holocaust. His books include Medicine After the Holocaust: From the Master Race to the Human Genome and Beyond; Human Subjects Research After the Holocaust; and Physician-Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia Before, During, and After the Holocaust; and Could It Be My Thyroid?