Adah Isaacs Menken was an American actress, painter and poet, and was the highest earning actress of her time.
May 2023
The Art of Dialing
Inevitably, when people find out my sister lives overseas, I get the very popular response of, “you must not talk to her very much.” If I am lucky, they pose it in the form of a question, “You don’t talk much?” Paging Alex Trebek….
I can see where they are coming from, and then again, I can’t.
I live in Gresham, Oregon, USA…despite being a town of over 100,000, it’s usually not on a standard map. Look for Portland instead; if you are lucky, you will see us slightly to the east. My sister lives in Israel, a country that is truly half-way around the world from me; if you went the WHOLE way, you’d be back at my house, the starting point! Not only is she that far away, Israel is a mystery to most Americans, and I can’t say I blame them.
Prior to my sister moving there, I knew about 4 things related to Israel:
1) It’s all desert.
2) The Star of David is on the flag
3) Israel gets a lot of bombs.
4) I could spell I-S-R-E-A-L.
Yeah, you can see immediately I was misspelling the name, and you can thank synagogue Sunday school for the misconception of the entire country being one big desert…as in sand, sand, and more sand. We were always fund raising for “Trees For Isreal”, or however you spell “Israel” when you’re ten. The bombs? Sure, but the violence is no greater than where I live so we pray for the best and move on. So since I was 1 for 4 (I got the flag right!), I can’t really expect others to be any better.
However, despite my immense lack of knowledge of Israel, not once, never, ever, did I think, “well, there she goes; don’t have to listen to her again.” Or even better, how about thinking, “Whew! Now I have mom and dad all to myself!” Seriously? Family moves away and we are suppose to pretend they don’t exist? Don’t people realize we have this new fangled invention we like to call, the telephone. That’s right folks, you dial a number, and like magic, someone on the other end answers! Oooo! Ahhhh! In this day and age, with modern technology literally at the tips of our fingers, we could talk everyday. Unfortunately 6 kids, 2 husbands, dirty floors, laundry, and life in general gets in our way. However, considering the distance, it is not uncommon to talk to my sister twice a week, sometimes even more. You talk past the differences ( no scorpions in my house), you talk past the holidays ( I sometimes forget the 4th of July is not a big deal there), and you talk past the kids whining and complaining (which at least one cousin always provides as background noise). You remember that the person on the other end of the line was scared when you put a rubber snake in their bed, rubbed your back when you almost threw up after riding the “bad ride” at the amusement park, and kindly screamed at you to quit reading their diary. Because, at the end of the day, it’s my sister on the other end of that line, and you do what you have to keep in contact.
What surprises me so much is this attitude of “distance means you hardly talk at all”, because most of us have some way of communicating with the people we want to. Modern technology oozes from every corner of the globe. Whether it be old-fashioned postal mail, or the most modern means of cell phone technology and tweeting, the days of mailing a letter and waiting 6 months for a reply (assuming the ship didn’t go down at sea or a horse didn’t die on you), have been over since the last century! Seriously? Long gone are the days when people left “The Old Country” never to be seen or heard from again. Besides, if my sister was still willing to talk to me after I ruined her red dress by dropping a permanent, black pen on it, I can’t imagine 6,927 miles is going to stop us. All I have to do is dial.

Before arriving in Israel you need a place to land and preferably at least a semi-permanent address. But the question that often begs asking is, “how do I find an apartment or house while living all the way over here?!” Essentially there are 4 answers to this question. In this article will we give you an overview and then follow up with more details one by one in the series to come.
1)Absorption Center or Mircaz Klita (מרבז קליטה): These efficiency style apartments are designed especially for new immigrants. Living here gives you the advantage of having knowledgeable staff that can help with everything from signing up for health care to getting you started in Hebrew classes. You will also find useful tools such as free legal advice and instant internet so you can contact your family the minute you arrive. Perhaps the nicest advantage to living in the absorption center though is being surrounded by people who understand exactly what you are going through and are willing lend a helping hand or listening ear.
2)Locate a Temporary Apartment: You can do this by signing up for list serves in the community of your choice and advertising that you need accommodations or asking friends and family to keep their eyes and ears open. If you want to get to know local communities in Israel go to Yahoo groups and type in the name of the community you are interested in. Most communities have a forum there and will be quite helpful in helping you find somewhere to live ahead of time. Temporary housing gives you time to make sure you are in a community you like; as well time to find suitable accommodations for the long term.
3) Rent a long term apartment before arriving: This can be accomplished by using the use of a rental agency. Many of these places advertise on line so it shouldn’t be too hard to get connected. Again recommendations from locals on community list serves can help with this as well. One important tip here is that real estate agents get one month’s rent as commission for finding you an apartment so this can be quite an expensive way to go. But many people use them to ensure that the apartment is in good order and they are not renting a dump.
4) Purchase a House or Apartment Before Arriving: If you are planning to sell your home and purchase a home here in Israel, meeting with your realtor and lawyer to find a suitable home might be something to consider. The advantage to this is that you can plan ahead for what you will need because you already know what your new home looks like. It can also be comforting to know that while you are adjusting to your new homeland at least you have a space to call your own.
Having a roof over your head even temporarily is the first step to feeling at home in your new country. So consider carefully your options and then stay tuned as we bring you more information about how to go about choosing your place in Israel.
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